Sunday, December 28, 2008

Current News Post!

We'll be updating this post now and then throughout the massacre so you can read about where we are! Click here to go straight to the live feed!

9:00 PM (Saturday)
Only 66 hours left and Claudia and Evan have beaten Brawl: Subspace Emissary! Dan's started Mario Galaxy now!

5:00 AM (Sunday)
Mario Galaxy has been completed, namely by Evan and Claire. We're 14 hours in, so we've got 58 hours left! We're off to Diddy Kong now. Thanks to everyone who's been chatting with us!

9:00 AM (Sunday)
Diddy Kong Racing is finished thanks to Evan! Playing Pac-Man World 2 now.

10:00 PM (Sunday)
Pac-Man (Claire) and Pokemon Snap (Evan and Claudia) have been finished, and Donkey Kong (Evan and Jojo) was started but abandoned for now. Planning to get back to that, hopefully. We're taking a short, one hour break before getting back on the gaming with Twilight Princess.

3:00 PM (Monday)
Twilight Princess is finished (Evan and Claire) and we've moved back to Donkey Kong (Jojo and Evan).

11:00 PM (Monday)
Gave up on Donkey Kong because it is a ridiculous game. Moved on to Okami (Claire).

3:30 AM (Tuesday)
Took a break from Okami to take a nap and lost all morale.

So it's 9:00 AM on Tuesday. We've all awoken and collectively decided that 72 hours is a really, really long time. We're not really up to continuing, unfortunately. But it was awesome and fun and I swear I'll make a proper update once I've had some recuperation.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It has begun!

The Nintendo Massacre has begun! Click here to skip right to our live feed. (Set on mature just to be safe - probably gonna be some cussin') We've started off with Brawl: Subspace Emissary. Claudia and Evan are playing, Claire (mahself, Chupacawha) is chatting on the chatbox as foonkythumbs.

If you're curious about what this all is, just scroll on down. The two posts below should explain about everything. c:

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Final Word

Last post before we get this on. Most of what needs to be said already has in the below post, so scroll on down for the list of games we'll be playing and charity information.

We'll be starting our run on Saturday the 27th at 3:00PM Eastern Standard Time. You can come watch us play at our live feed (link is to the left as well). You'll notice it's set on mature, but that's just because we tend to curse now and then and decided to play it safe. At least one of us will be there to talk for the entire 72 hours. Sign up at and chat with us! It takes 30 seconds, and there's no obligations afterword or spam email (Promise! We've had our account there for nearly a year now).

Speaking of us (oh egotism), we are a group of five. There's Jojo, Dan, Claudia, Evan, Claire and Miche. Dan will only be there the first day, so be sure to catch up with us Saturday to chill the whole group (after the first 12 hours we start passing out anyway)!

So that's it, basically. We're doing our best to practice Crystal Chronicles as a group, and we've got the other games down pat at this point. Our only fatality was Eternal Darkness. :[ We were given a broken disk, and there's no time now to get another copy. Our apologies.

Thanks to everyone who's been supporting us! We love your suggestions and comments (mostly because we're attention whores ;D)! You are all wonderful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a twiiisst

Hello internet. Our team has tweaked the list and come up with the final roster of games!

Nintendo 64
Super Mario 64
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong Racing
Pokemon Snap

Crystal Chronicles
Pac-Man World 2
The Simpsons Hit & Run

Twilight Princess
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Brawl Subspace Emissary
Mario Galaxy

You may notice, obviously, that there's no possible way for us to beat all of those games in 72 hours. Here's where we're introducing something new.

There's a non-profit charity called Child's Play that's been running since 2003. Child's Play gives video games and toys to less fortunate children in hospitals across the globe.  Many gaming marathons have raised money for the charity, and we'd like to put in our 2 cents too.

So here's the deal! Rather than be bored watching us play a game you hate, donate some money to Child's Play! For each dollar you donate, you'll get one vote in what game you'd like to see us play next. Every time we finish a game we'll tally up the votes, and the viewers will choose what game we play!

Not enough for you? No problem. We're more than willing to sell our services (we're not worth much anyway ohoh)! Donate 5 dollars and one of us will scribble a little drawing or make an mspaint for you! Donate 10 dollars and each one of us will make a drawing for you (that's at least 6 arts!) Donate 20+ dollars, and in addition to everything above, we'll make something/do something else for you! (a quickie video, do something ridiculous on camera, whatever you want! we'll negotiate!)

Disclaimer: Only one of us is an actual artist (psst, it's Claudia). ^^; Feel free to request any one of us (might take a bit as that person could be playing) to make your drawing, we'll do it! And even though we suck at arts, we'll do our best!

Second Disclaimer: We'll draw/do whatever you want, within reason. Nothing seckshual or physically detrimental to us. We can negotiate!

Donate (via paypal) to Child's Play on their home page. Uh, we aren't exactly sure how to tell if you donated or not, though. ^^; As much as we'd like to take your word for it, we need some kind of proof. Not sure how to do that though, so if anyone has any ideas, do let us know! (We realize paypal sends you a reciept, but we don't want to ask for that 'cause personal information is there and we don't need that.)

Don't feel bad if you can't donate! The last thing we want is to guilt trip anyone. December is a busy season and we fully understand. To be completely honest, we don't even have the money to donate (which is why we're trying to raise money instead)! We're not even really expecting to raise 50 dollars, so don't worry! Come watch and chat with us anyway, that's what we love the most!

Anyway, there we are! More updates to come once more information is known. Let us know what you think of this idea, though!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nintendo Massacre?

Good day, internet. Our little group of gamers has finally decided on what we would like to do for another gaming marathon! It's a Nintendo Massacre! Old games and new games! Popular franchises and unheard wonders! Games that sucked to you, but we played as poor children and loved anyway!

You'll find that while our name has changed, the blog won't. You can still come here to find out new updates on what our lame selves are doing, and maybe I'll stop being lazy and change the layout for it too.

We have a list of Nintendo games ready for anyone at all to vote on. These are the games we're interested in playing, and we really want your opinion on it as well (in case you decide to watch!). 

Twilight Princess (Wii)
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Super Mario 64 (N64)
007: Goldeneye (N64)
Donkey Kong (N64)
Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
Metroid (Any of them, you choose!)
Crystal Chronicles (GC)
Brawl Adventure Mode (Wii)
Pac-Man World 2 (GC)
Pokemon Snap (N64)
The Simpsons Hit & Run (GC)
Okami (Wii)
Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Wii)
Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)

You'll notice we obviously can't play all of these games. Here's where you come in - what specific games in this list would you like us to play? The final choice will rest with us, but we're pretty torn between what we feel like playing and need your help!

We have dates for it as well! We'll start at noon on the 27th of December. As for when we finish, we're still working on that. We'll either finish on the 29th for 48 hours, or the 30th if we decide to go for 72 straight hours of Nintendo. There's a whole ton of good games on our list, and we really want to play as many as we possibly can. Therefore, the option of going a full 72 hours has been brought up as well.

So there we are! Post your opinions here, send us an email, whatever you like! Fanmail and flames go to Got a game you really want to see but wasn't on the list? Let us know about that too. Tell your friends about us if you think they'd be interested (ohohoh shameless plugs).

We'll have our final list of games and hopefully set dates for you by December 3rd at the latest.

Thanks for your help, internet!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



Good day, tiny portion of the internet that might've checked out this death blog. Iiiiiiit's been a while.

Nothing of real importance has happened since the Massacre. However, we totally remembered this thing a few days ago and went "WOAHAMAZING."

After some good nostalgia, we've basically decided that we want to do some sort of crazy video game marathon again. Incoming: Prablem!

We've got no idea what vidjagaems we should play. :l We don't rather feel like Zelda again just yet (unless someone comes up with a crazy twist!), but we want to do something.

So, here's where you come in, if ya feel like it. We need ideas, you maybe have them. Let us know what you want to see! What video game(s) would you find really fun to watch someone else play for an extended period of time??

Honestly, anything Nintendo-y works. You name it, we probably have it (maybe). Name a series if you feel like it. Mario is always a good option...

Anyway, you've got your mission. Go for it, nobody. Drop us a line at or leave a message here. 

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moar Zelda?

So you should all get yourselves over to this blog here. These are the people we got the idea to do the Massacre from, and they're trying their challenge again this weekend. Go watch and cheer them on! I'll be there as much as I can.

Good luck to the Four48 crew! Here's hoping you make it through the four games and raise lots of cash for charity, too!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

You're doing what?

So we've actually gotten some responses from people asking us to continue broadcasting.


Seriously though. The group of us decided that we kinda felt like doing something too. However, attempting yet another Zelda run would be overkill at this point, and none of us are really up for another massive game run just yet.

SOLUTION! The four of us tend to get together once a week and play random video games for several hours on end. Why not hastily slap together a camera and broadcast our shenanigans?

I need to learn how to spell that word so I can spread it across the internet.

But, yeah. Classic games include:
007 Goldeneye
Jet Force Gemini
Mario Tennis
Rock Band
Various Mario Parties
...and many more! :D

We mainly play us a good deal of Goldeneye and Rock Band, however anyone watching us play can vote and throw in their opinions on what they'd like to see. We like variety.

So stop by our channel on Monday, the 28th at noon. We usually play about 5 hours, and we'll be takin' requests!

End Note:
Just to let you all know, we are no experts at Rock Band. We play the game casually, and for fun. Don't expect our playing or singing skills to be incredible.
Also, we scream a lot during 007. Turn down your speakers. D:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Procrastination at its best.

So I know that the Massacre ended about a week ago, but then I slept for a while and had tennis practice and got a new video game and generally didn't feel much like taking the time for a blog post.

You're welcome.

Anyway, in case you haven't heard, we won the Massacre! Gave Ganon a sword in the gut to go with the one in his face and skull and still had a little over 3 and a half hours left.

Rather than be awesome and use the time to continue some handhelds, we promptly (and by we, I mean myself) passed out.

Massacre Overview!

Ocarina of Time
Claudia picked up Ocarina of Time and played it through the second temple. She was into the third one when we lost power and had to replay the entire Dodongo's Cavern and Jabu Jabu's Belly.

Jojo played through the adult forest temple and fire temple.

Claire (I'm just gonna go ahead and say myself, doesn't sound as weird) played the water, shadow and spirit temples. And then I blundered (no really, it was bad) through the final temple.

Majora's Mask
Jojo pulled an all-nighter along with Miche, who was there chatting it up with everyone online. Claudia was out catching the premiere of Batman, and Dan was still at his house. I was asleep for about two temples of Majora.

Jojo somehow single-handedly played all of Majora's Mask in an amazing time for us (sleep deprivation and all) and probably saved us the run after our mishap in Ocarina.

Wind Waker
At this point in our run, Dan and Claudia had showed up, and Miche had begun her hibernation for the rest of the run.

Also, this is apparently where I got massive amnesia. Seriously, I don't know what the crap happened for half of this game. All I know is that I probably didn't play it since I don't remember.

However, I believe Jojo played from the beginning to the water temple...? I know it wasn't me. I think I was asleep for some of it.

The Temple of the Gods and the Forsaken Fortress went to either Claudia or Jojo. I don't know where I was during all of this.

I remember I played the next two temples, the ones with Makar and Medli.

After that, I tried to get some sleep for Twilight but it didn't work so well. Claudia, Dan and Jojo teamed up and obtained the Triforce of Courage together- Claudia skimmed through the walkthrough with Dan and Jojo played it.

I played most of Ganon's Tower and fought Puppet Ganon. Jojo finished the game with a pretty awesome final battle against Ganon. Master Sword in Ganon's skull was admired at by all who were awake.

Twilight Princess
Dan went home after that and we all moved to the other tv. Miche was still asleep, but on another couch now.

I played up through the Lakebed Temple. At which point we snagged the official guide and Jojo and Claudia double-teamed Saving Midna through Getting to Arbiter's Grounds. I took a nap.

I played Arbiter's Grounds to the end. Sometime between Retrieving Ilia's Memory and City in the Sky, everybody fell asleep. Claudia woke up just in time to watch the final battle with Ganon.

And then we were done.

All of us would like to thank everyone who took the time to come watch a few minutes of our run. Many of you kept us up and cheered us on, which helped more than you could ever know. Many of you made funny comments and kept us up with your general awesomeness. A few of you trolled and that was pretty decent too, though I expected more spam from you. A goal to shoot for next time, I suppose. :D
Just thanks, everybody. You all rocked.

One final note. Just to let you know how tired we all were during the Massacre.

People do weird things when they're tired.
Miche couldn't figure out where I was when I was sitting beside her and yelled "Where are you??" when I said something. She promptly fell asleep a few minutes later. Dan was sad that he missed it.
I fell asleep during that one cutscene where Zant rambles on about Ganon and whatnot for forever. I woke up just before the fight started. D:
Claudia half woke up during Twilight Princess and muttered something about a weird dream she had. I think I heard the word zombies or something.
I fell asleep after the massacre on a chair and woke up lyin' on a couch. When asked how I got there, I was told that I stood up, talked to the dog for a bit, and then stole Miche's seat when she left the room for a minute.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome Post, Revised!

A lot of things changed real spur of the moment, so here's our brand new, mildly revised welcome post!

Welcome to the Zelda Massacre!
You can skip the post and get to the video here.

What is The Zelda Massacre?
The Zelda Massacre is a 48 hour Legend of Zelda marathon, basically. In it, the Zelda Massacre Team (us) are going to sit down and play through basically as many Legend of Zeldas as we possibly can.

When is The Massacre?
The clock starts Thursday, July 17th at noon (east coast time). It ends Saturday, July 19th at noon (once again, east coast time).

What games will you play?
First off, the only video games we will be broadcasting are The Legend of Zelda ones.
We will definitely be playing through Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. You can watch us play those over on our live feed.
In addition, we will also attempt to play through A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, The Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass. With the possibility of some Four Swords thrown in.

Are you guys the first to try this?
We are not. A lot of the gaming community has already attempted (and accomplished) this challenge. I do believe, however, that we are the first group to incorporate the other Legend of Zeldas into it as well.

Are there any rules?
There are, yes. One- We cannot have two playing a Console Zelda at the same time. A Console Zelda is one we need a TV for, so obviously Ocarina, Majora, Wind, and Twilight. This rule means that someone cannot be playing Twilight at the same time as another playing Ocarina. Only one Console Zelda at a time.
Two- We can play as many Handheld Zeldas at one time as we want. A Handheld Zelda is one we do not need a TV for. So, Link to the Past, Season, Minish and Hourglass. We can all be playing one at the same time.

Example: Person A is playing Majora's Mask. Person B is playing Seasons. C is playing Minish and D is playing Hourglass. This is completely legal.

Who is playing?
The people involved in the Zelda Massacre are:
(*You may notice we're missing two people here. Jeff is visiting family this week, and Evan had a change of plans D: That's alright though. I'm still confident we can pull this off.)

Who will play what?
While this is still very subject to change, I figured I would post it anyway.

Ocarina of Time:
Claudia will play the first three temples, up to obtaining the Master Sword.
Jojo will play the next two temples, Forest and Fire.
The water temple goes to whoever feels they can pull it off.
Claire will play the next two temples, Shadow and Spirit.
The final dungeon is up for grabs.

Majora's Mask:
This game is all Jojo. Go for it, Jojo!
(*She's the best cut out for the job, since it's her favorite game. In fact, she's pretty much the only person in our group to beat it.)

Wind Waker:
This, I'm not sure. It's a pretty big game, and we've all played it. I figure, though, that it'll probably be split up between Dan and Claudia, mainly. With either Jojo or Claire playing the final two temples.

Twilight Princess:
This game is all Claire.
(*Due to recent changes in players.)

Please realize though, that this is really subject to change. In the end, we're probably just gonna give the controller to whoever can play.

The Handheld Zeldas basically go to whoever grabs them first. We don't have a structure on those.

Where can I watch?
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess will all be broadcasted over on this live feed here.

Feel free to chat with us on that page as well! Getting a username on takes literally no more than thirty seconds. And since we've got a microphone this time, we'll talk with you. It keeps us awake and all, too. And gives ego boosts. :D

Is there any way I can contact you guys (besides the live feed)?
Feel free to email Claire at Your emails and thoughts will get around to the whole group. Comments, questions, complaints, cheers, flames- it's all happily accepted.

So that's about it. If there's any other questions, feel free to comment on this page or email. :D

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Quickie update on the massive (and informative!) post below.

Jeff won't be able to play A Link to the Past for us, but we've still got ourselves the game so I'm sure one of us will end up playing it. Sorry about that.

Oh, and another question.

Are you guys the first to try this?
We are not. A lot of the gaming community has already attempted (and accomplished) this challenge. I do believe, however, that we are the first group to incorporate the other Legend of Zeldas into it as well.

Also, I've reaches epic levels of dorkiness. Unable to sleep, I sat up from four in the morning and whipped up a crappy video. Yay for shameless promotion.

None of this post will make any real sense if you don't read up on the big one just below. Just letting ya know.

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's the welcome post!

Welcome to the Zelda Massacre! If you have no idea what any of this is, you've found the correct post. Knowledge, go!

What is The Zelda Massacre?
The Zelda Massacre is a 48 hour Legend of Zelda marathon, basically. In it, the Zelda Massacre Team (us) are going to sit down and play through basically as many Legend of Zeldas as we possibly can.

When is The Zelda Massacre?
The clock starts Thursday, July 17th at noon (east coast time). It ends Saturday, July 19th at noon (once again, east coast time).

What games will you play?
First off, the only video games we will be broadcasting are The Legend of Zelda ones.
We will definitely be playing through Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. You can watch us play those over on our live feed.
In addition, we will also attempt to play through A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, The Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass. With the possibility of some Four Swords thrown in.

Are there any rules?
There are, yes. One- We cannot have two playing a Console Zelda at the same time. A Console Zelda is one we need a TV for, so obviously Ocarina, Majora, Wind, and Twilight. This rule means that someone cannot be playing Twilight at the same time as another playing Ocarina. Only one Console Zelda at a time.
Two- We can play as many Handheld Zeldas at one time as we want. A Handheld Zelda is one we do not need a TV for. So, Link to the Past, Season, Minish and Hourglass. We can all be playing one at the same time.

Example: Person A is playing Majora's Mask. Person B is playing Seasons. C is playing Minish and D is playing Hourglass. This is completely legal.

Who is playing?
The people involved in the Zelda Massacre are:

Who will play what?
While this is still very subject to change, I figured I would post it anyway.

Ocarina of Time:
Claudia will play the first three temples, up to obtaining the Master Sword.
Jojo will play the next two temples, Forest and Fire.
Claire will play the next two temples, Shadow and Spirit.
The final dungeon is up for grabs.

Majora's Mask:
This game is all Jojo.

Wind Waker:
This, I'm not sure. It's a pretty big game, and we've all played it. I figure, though, that it'll probably be split up between Dan, Claudia and Evan, mainly. They need to work this one out- I don't have a clue.

Twilight Princess:
Claire will play up to obtaining the Master Sword (halfway through the game).
Evan will play the rest of the game (to the end).

Please realize though, that this is really subject to change. In the end, we're probably just gonna give the controller to whoever can play.

The Handhelds Zeldas basically go to whoever grabs them first. We don't have a structure on those. Except for...

A Link to the Past:
This game goes entirely to Jeff, over on the west coast. He'll have a separate live feed up for his run.

Where can I watch?
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess will all be broadcasted over on this live feed here.

A Link to the Past will be broadcasted over here.

Feel free to chat with us on those pages as well!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh wai-

Hey hey. Just a little short blog to tide any (no)one over for a bit.
I'm currently working on a massive update for this here. One that will basically explain everything about the Massacre even if you've never heard of it before.
And so that it stays at the top of the page in case anyone new comes about to read, I don't intend on updating afterwards. I probably will, but here's hoping I won't. :D
One last thing. Evan, Claudia, Dan, Jojo, Jeff- If any of you guys feel really bored and want to make something to promote the Massacre, feel free. Not that you have to- just throwing it out there. I've been considering making a youtube video, but judging by the rest of mine, it would probably suck a lot.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hateful Lies

This blog just keeps getting farther away from the point. My apologies.

Anyways, I lied, apparently. Avatar does begin again on July 14th (monday), with The Western Air Temple. 15th is The Firebending Masters. 16th, however, is both The Boiling Rock Part 1 and 2. Which makes the 17th (first day of the Massacre, actually) The Southern Raiders. 18th is The Ember Island Players. Finally, Saturday the 19th is the 2-hour, four episode series conclusion.

So, we have a slight problem here. I think we were all (at least, us Avatards) planning on watching the finale together. Word was there was to be cake, with a picture of Buff Iroh as icing (I'm looking at you, Danny). However, seeing as the episodes air around 8PM, and the Massacre ends around noon, there's a bit of a gap there.

Now we could all just head home for eight or so hours, then come back ready for Avatar. But I figure we should know all the options, so the other one is to start the Massacre later. As in, Thursday the 17th, but at eight rather than noon.

I'm fine with either option. Just as long as there is IrohCake.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Update just to let you know what's goin' on:
Not a whole ton of progress has been made, recently. We still have to figure out who's gonna play what.

And that's all I have to say about that.

In other news, Cartoon Network has dug itself out from the grave with Chowder and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. They're both so awesome.

Nickelodeon has yet figure out what a shovel is. It could be a while.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Bowls of Pudding.

It's been a while, but considering we've officially got six days of school left, I figured I should outline some things about July.

July 14 (monday):
Avatar: The Last Airbender has officially been slated to begin airing July 14, with The Western Air Temple.

July 15 (tuesday):
The Firebending Masters airs.

July 16 (wednesday):
The Boiling Rock Part 1 airs. There is much preparing for the next day, including double extra checking that every system works right, and probably reviewing every run. We're going hardcore for this, people.

July 17 (thursday):
Our run begins at noon, with Ocarina of Time. Still not sure who is playing what exactly, but Ocarina should end sometime around eight or nine, and then Jojo can hop on Majora's Mask. There will be much rejoicing at the end of Ocarina. The Boiling Rock Part 2 airs. Whoever isn't playing will probably watch it too.

July 18 (friday):
Majora's Mask should end sometime before dawn (If Jojo really can beat the game in six hours (I am holding you to that bet, Jo)). If not, last time we won around eight, so that's when Wind Waker begins. Again, last time Wind Waker ended some time around eight that night, but hopefully we can knock a few hours off that. Twilight is (hopefully) beginning sometime before nine. Also, The Southern Raiders will air at eight. Someone is gonna have to bite the bullet and watch the new episode recorded, while everyone else watches it live. If we're into Twilight, it'll probably be me (The universe hates me). Unless Evan is still here, then he can play since he's not an Avatard like the rest of us.

July 19 (saturday):
Our run ends at exactly noon, again. Hopefully, Twilight will have been finished off a few hours before then. If that happens, I guess we'll just have to decide whether we all want to continue our handhelds until twelve, or end when Twilight is over. If we decide to continue, we'll still broadcast some kind of console game for everyone. Possibly Four Swords Adventures for the Gamecube. I'm looking to get my hands on that one. The Ember Island Players airs at eight. Try to stay awake just a few more hours so you don't sleep through it.

July 20 (sunday):
The 2 HOUR, 4 EPISODE SERIES-FREAKEN-FINALE of Avatar: The Last Airbender airs. Sozin's Comet, part 1,2,3,4. It's like Christmas, your birthday, the superbowl, Comic Con and the last night of waiting outside the game shop for the brand new Zelda all put together. With Chuck Norris and Abe Lincoln coming to the party. They brought Febreeze.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So yeah, there were indeed problems with the first date of July 14 - 16. Here's hoping you didn't set your schedule around it, 'cause it's different now.
While you still shouldn't bet your life on this one, it seems that our new, sturdier date is:

JULY 17 - 19.

Claps for capslock.
Claude and I figured missing the first two practices would be bad, so while there is practice on thursday as well, practices are at eight in morning (BYTHEBEARDOFTHORWHYY?). So we'll just have to go to practice before the clock starts at noon. Not a problem.

So we know Claudia, Jojo, Dan, Evan and me will all be playing over here on the east coast. Still figuring out who's playing exactly what game and when. The only player we aren't sure about yet is Eric. I never see him at school, so someone else ask him for me, 'kaythanks. But we could really use all the help we can get.

And over on the west coast, Jeff will be playing A Link to the Past. We're getting the stream for him up and running, so everyone can watch his run too.

Speaking of which, so that everyone can watch both videos on one page, I'm gonna embed the videos from onto another page. That page might be this blog, or it might be a seperate one (to keep this one from getting overcrowded). There'll be a chatbox so people can talk like on the justin pages, too. However, we'll all be keeping an eye on the pages too, so if the page with the embedded videos doesn't work as nice for you feel free to watch on those two instead. We can multi-task.

So, yep.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Finally got around to editing the page so it actually resembles something Legend of Zelda-esqe. HTML doesn't like me very much. Still, it's done. There may be a few details added somewhere once I decide I feel like it. But I think it looks relatively okay.

Anyways, it's looking like July 14-16 is the set date. Everyone I've asked says it works, so the only tiny hitch now is that I think two of those days are the first two practices for tennis. Hopefully won't be a problem. Just to let you know, July 14 is a Monday, and we would start at noon. The 48 hours would end on the 16 (Wednesday) at noon also. So just like last time.

So, we've got a different set of people for the team this time. Jojo, Claudia, Dan and I (Claire) will be returning. Evan is coming this time too, along with (I think) Eric. Also, way over on the other side of the country, Jeff (right?) might be streaming A Link to the Past for us.

Still getting the details worked out on the run. We've got like two months though, so we've got time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Subject to Change

JULY 14-16

It's been really difficult getting to everyone to talk about when we could do this. So everyone I was able to talk to decided that we'd just pick a random, nice sounding date and ask around that way. Much easier.

Thus, July 14-16 could change really fast. Don't mark your calendars yet. We're playing it like Nickelodeon does- give you a date and then strip it away just when your hopes are highest. Dammit Nickelodeon, you guys suck. What'd you do with my Avatar: The Last Airbender? I needs it.

On that note, Avatar is also presumed to be starting on July 14, and somehow finishing up by the end of July. How can that be, you ask? There's no way that'll fit, seeing as they air a new Avatar episode once a week and there's still ten episodes left to go.
That, my dear child, is the problem. Nick will probably just air an episode a day and finish the greatest cartoon series of all time in two weeks. I'm usually fine with cramming, but come on. We waited ten months for season 3 and this is how you're gonna air it?

Rant over. Check back later for moar news.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gravy Traaaain.

Alright alright alright. We still don't have a set date for this yet, but I can make assumptions, right?

Tennis season (in which Claude and I are playing) starts up in July. We only have practice three days a week then, but once August hits it bumps up to five days a week. Also, Dan is moving in August. So um, August is probably a no.

Personally, I don't mind missing a day of practice in July (if it even comes to that), but playing in June would be ideal. And really, I need something to fill the void (severe lack of Avatar) in June anyways.

So, June? I haven't really gotten the chance to ask everyone else what they're doing for summer yet. June might be a bad month for us all. I'm hoping we can all figure this crap out. Including exactly who plays what. That's pretty important. I should probably get to asking around.

Yea okay. So that's what's going down.

Ah, also? We finally got Minish Cap. It is a gewd game.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pity Post

Haven't updated in a while since there's really nothing to say. Oh well, time to restate the obvious.

So, we're still trying to figure out when exactly during the summer we want to do Zelda Massacre again. Everybody needs to let me know if they're doing anything over summer so we can plan this. I'd personally rather play earlier in the summer then later, but that's just me.

As far as playtimes again, we actually need to plan that. Last time we had a schedule (uh, kinda) but once Majora was done we pretty much just threw the controller at whoever wanted to play. In hindsight, it was maybe not the greatest move. Sure, we needed sleep, but people who had never played a certain temple ended up walkthroughing it. Which lost us a lot of time, I realize. So this time, we need to really plan it out, and have everybody practice their parts to the point where they know how to get through the temple at a decent rate (and without asking for help). Not that I was exempt from this either- hell, I walkthroughed the entire Stone Temple in Majora's Mask.

Finally, for people who have extended play times (Jojo, chances are you'll be playing Majora on your own this time. Again.) we need other people who are cool with staying the entire two days and keeping the others up. Not that they'll be poking people and being bored for two days- there's plenty to do. Hence, the handhelds. We're playing those again, but without the restriction of one Zelda at a time. If someone wants to play A Link to the Past, another Minish Cap, and a third Phantom Hourglass all at the same time, go for it. (Incidentally, there will be much Phoenix Wrighting as well.) But we really need to bring more DS's this time. We had what, two DS's and one Gameboy Advance on the first runthrough? Not exactly sufficient.

So, this update kinda got big when I wasn't paying attention. I'll go ahead and end it now with this-

Avatar: The Last Airbender returns in July.
Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People begins in June.
Clearly, it will be an amazing summer.

Friday, April 11, 2008

No, really.

So I know I posted that last blog on April 1st, but it's not a joke. Promise. Just thought I'd clear that up for any non-believers.

In other news, this week has shaped up to be one of the greatest weeks ever. Allow me to explain.

In case you haven't heard, Phoenix Wright is spawning a whole new spin-off. In which you play EDGEWORTH. The prosecution, people! You get to walk around with Gumshoe (who also is awesome) and help pick up clues the police force may have missed. Wheeeeeeee! Go find more info by googling "Perfect Prosecutor." Maybe throw in some Phoenix Wright.

2) Something I never thought I would ever see. A HOMESTARRUNNER VIDEO GAME.
Anyone who knows me knows I totally love Homestarrunner. Hell, I'm pretty much a walking advertisement for them. So upon hearing there would be a video game for the wii, I flipped. Find some more out about the epic game on their homepage-

3) Finally, I found out I'd be heading to NEW YORK COMIC CON next week. For those of you not familiar, this is a massive nerd convention. Webcomics, regular comics, anime, uh... star trek. Yea. But the one I'm looking forward to? AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER. The final trailer for the entire series will be airing. Avatar is my favorite cartoon ever, so I feel kind of obligated to be there. It's gonna be amazing. For tickets and such, go look for

I'm sure there's other amazingness going on this week, but right now these three things are just owning my brain. Sorry to spam up the blog. Not really.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hey everypeople. So I asked the team (I feel like a superhero when I say that), and everyone is pretty much in agreement that we want to try this again.

So, we're thinking sometime in the summer. We're gonna get a little bit more serious this time around and maybe practice. And stuff. Also, if we might have a new player or two. Which would very, very good.

And a microphone. You need to hear our screams. It's frightening.
Maybe not. But we'll have a mic set up anyway. At least you'll hear the game soundtrack.

There we go. Updates will come as we get closer to being not in school.

Friday, March 28, 2008


4 Amazing Games.
48 Hours.
4 Links (rather, a Cloud, a ..., a CAT and a Phoenix).
3 Finished Legends.
1 Nearly Completed.

Summary complete!

So, it's over. It was crazy, and it was really, really fun. I thought so, anyway.

So here's what happened. Claudia started up Ocarina of Time for us at noon on Wednesday. She played through the first two temples. I played the third. Jojo played the fourth and fifth, I played the six and seventh. Jojo and I alternated the eighth. And I finished up Ganon's Castle.

Majora's Mask. Jojo played the first three temples (woah). I played the fourth.

We SAVED. We saved the game, Majora. I know you think we didn't, but we really did, but you went ahead and freaked on us. We hate you. Well, we hate your flaws.

We picked up where we left off in another Majora file, and Jojo finished off Majora's Mask.

Dan and I started Wind Waker. Claudia played the third temple (the forest-y one), I played the fourth. Jojo and I alternated the fifth. I played the sixth and Ganon.

Twilight Princess started off fine, but right before the first temple I practically passed out. We took a nine-ish hour break, in which I napped.

Started up again around 7. Played out the remaining time, and ran out during the Twilight Palace (the one with Zant), as we were running for the second sol.

Not bad, in my opinion. We beat 3 games, and nearly the fourth.

Oh! Handhelds. Susan, Jojo, Claudia and Dan all played Phantom Hourglass and beat a little over halfway, I believe. Jessica helped out Susan too. So pretty much everyone but me. :D

Claudia also beat the first two trials in Phoenix Wright 1. Jojo was playing Phoenix Wright 2 for a while, but I don't know how far she got. Past the first trial at least.

I think that was all that was played.

Oh, so people have been asking if we're ever gonna do something like this again. I can't speak for everyone, but I had a lot of fun here. I'd be willing to try this particular challenge again and beat it, as long as we have more people and it's during the summer. Or hey, something else video game related. Sounds good to me.

So that's about it. Thanks for watching everyone, really. We never, ever, could've made it as far as we did without your support. Watching the view count go up (955, last I checked) made us all extra special happy. We feel loved.

Thanks, everyone! Claudia, Jojo, Susan, Jess and Dan, you guys rocked. That was awesome.

The end!

Math skills, go!

Someone should probably check this, considering my grades in math, but I believe if I stopped at 1:40, then I should have 10 hours and 20 minutes left.

I guess I'll start up now, since I'm awake and all. If I start at 9:30, then that means I've got til 7:50, right?

Okay. I'll try. The feed's up and running, so check it out if you're bored!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

I suck.

Well, after some hard contemplation I've decided to give this a rest. I was playing Twilight Princess when it suddenly occured to me I had no idea how I had come to this point in the game.

I just totally blacked out and apparently sleep-played the game a bit.

Sorry, but I really need some sleep. Instead of beating Twilight tonite, I'm going to try and beat it tomorrow. I stopped here around 1:40, so once I wake up and can do some math I'll figure out how many more hours I had left and beat the game in that allotted time.

So, yea. Not as epic and amazing as we had hoped, but I'm really dying over here. Sorry. Catch you tomorrow.

Also, thanks to pygmybbq over at for talking to me and keeping me awake as long as I was. I probably wouldn't have even started the game without his encouragement.

12 hours left!

Just finished up Wind Waker. Up next, Twilight Princess. I'm all alone!

Here's praying I don't pass out! Luckily I've got some crazy awesome people cheering me on from the live feed so hopefully they can keep me awake.

This game hates me.

Okay, let me explain.

So, we played through Majora's Mask. Got all the masks, finished all the temples. Check the video if you're not sure. It's all there- proof.

So we saved. We saved, and went back in time. Thus, everything was TOTALLY FREAKING SAVED.

But Majora wasn't as easy, and we lost. So we reset the game real fast.

So then, the game flipped. It FLIPPED.

And completely erased the last three hours of work. See ya, last temple.

We were screwed. And there was no freaking way we were going to do all that again (take that boss battle for example- no). But, we figured out a way.

Okay, so we had an extra save file from a run I did a few months ago. It was finished minus the beating Majora and all. So we've grabbed that game and finished it up on that.

So technically, we didn't cheat. Really, we did do all the work. Every last bit. But the game hates us.
There. Hope you guys don't mind.

In the meantime, we're starting up Wind Waker. Which doesn't suck a lot.

Thursday, 9:30 AM

Sorry for the major lapse in updates. Anyways, we're finishing up Majora's Mask right now. A tiny bit longer then we would've hoped, but not bad in our opinion. We're making good time.

Oh, so uh. Don't watch the Giant Masked Insect Twinmold (the final temple boss battle before Majora) battle.
Please. Just don't. It's for your own sake.

Longest, most desperate boss battle I have ever played. We went from tiny and using arrows, to big and using swords, to luring the beasts into busting up junk to get us more magics, to bombs, to Zora Link's fins (which, by the way, doesn't work), to more busting up junk, to even more massive sword action.

Please don't watch it. We sucked. A lot. That's really all you need to know.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday 11:35 PM

So we've finished up Ocarina of Time. Took longer than we expected (nearly two hours- oh snap), but we're confident in our abilities for the rest of the games.

Anyways, like I said we didn't follow the player schedule. Here's what really happened.

Claudia played the beginning to the end of the second child temple.
I played the third temple (more or less).
Jojo played the first and second adult temples.
I played the rest (with some help by Jojo, of course).

So now we're into Majora's Mask. It looks like Jojo will be playing the entire thing by herself at this point. I'm so lazy.

Also, Phantom Hourglass was started a while ago. Susan started it off, Claudia picked up after that, and Jojo brought us to the Ghost Ship. Doing good.

As always, the link for our video is here.

And the Bomber's Secret Hideout Code is:

Just so we remember. Heh.

End of Ocarina!

We've reached the end of Ocarina of Time. It's ten o clock. Go watch us finish up!

Wednesday 3:30 PM

So we're currently into the Adult Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. Claudia played Inside the Deku Tree and Dodongo's Cavern. I played Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly. Now Jojo's playing The Forest Temple.

Oh, and Susan is bumbling through Phantom Hourglass. Kidding, Susan.

We're on schedule, so yay time.

Keep on keepin' on.


It's noon. We've started Ocarina of Time! Claudia's off to a good start. We've estimated that we need to beat Ocarina of Time in at least nine hours to stay on task.

So yea! Come watch.

Oh, no sound. Sorry.

We Get Signal.

How Are You Gentlemen.
All Your Zelda Are Belong To Us.

GAHH. I can't type like that for long. It hurts.
But yea. We're ready, people. Tune in at noon for some Ocarina of Time Actions.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pistols for Pandas

Hey guys. So, the Zelda Massacre starts tomorrow! Excitement is an understatement at this point.

So, I did a test run with the live feed yesterday. Went off fine. However, it doesn't exactly look fantastic. Sorry for that- we are just taping the tv, afterall. But we will be adjusting the brightness and such throughout the games to make it a little easier for anyone who wants to watch.

Also, sound. Still haven't been able to get that up and running. Will try, but don't expect any miracles. Or anything. I procrastinate to the max.

That's what's going on. Everyone is accounted for, and we're starting this thing up tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th, at noon. Come watch a minute or two. Make sure we haven't passed out or anything.

Link again:

Oh, and it looks like Jessica will be joining us for a portion too! Which is good, cause we need all the firepower we can get.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rather Dashing.

So, get this.
My sister Juli is extra awesome today, because she went ahead and blogged about us on her own blog. And posted a myspace bulletin. With an extra special Ocarina of Time .gif that was in spanish.

Incidentally, I don't know whether I understood what they were saying because I'm taking spanish or because I practically have that crap memorized by now.

Anyways, you should all go give her a hug. Obligatory Link:

In other news, title of posts no longer have anything to do with the post but are random phrases from homestarrunner.

New Post Dance.

Since we're getting closer to the challenge, I figure I should recap.

48 hours of video games. At the most, two people can be playing a Zelda at one time. One can be working on the consoles (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess) while the other plays a handheld (A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Phantom Hourglass etc). Anyone else can do/play whatever. We'll have a final tally of games beaten later.

We start Wednesday, March 26th and finish up Friday, March 28th. You can watch us live, too (Might not be sound? Computer is too busy sucking). We'll have the camera focused on the TV or a handheld the whole time. Link:

Also, people playing are:

So there you have it. Now you don't have to scroll back through the archives no more.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So um, this is just what we're planning as far as who plays when and such.
First two kid temples- Claude.
Third kid temple- Claire.
First two adult temples- Jojo.
Second two adult temples- Claire.
Child portion of spirit temple- Claire.
Adult portion of spirit temple- Jojo.
Ganon's Castle- Jojo.

First three temples- Jojo.
Last temple- Claire (unless I can get out of it).

Wind Waker:
Whoever feels up to it.

Apparently, just me. Unless Jojo wants to play the first three for me (maybeplease)?

I doubt any of this will actually go the way we planned.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


That's right! We've got a live video feed up and running! Though, not currently, y'know. I doubt you want to stare at a blank tv screen. But we've got the site all set up, so go check it out in about a week when we start!

There you go. We're just gonna leave it as a link rather than post the video here, because then those of you (myself included) who have trouble watching certain videos on websites would be in a world of pain trying to get here. So go watch it there, and read up on updates here. We'll keep you posted throughout the whole thing.

And, as always, feel free to tell people about the site. This one, the blog, that is.
Thanks for your support, people!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Scroll on Down.

Quicky update. Just a little add on to the bigger update below.
So, I've got a webcam. Nearly, anyways, and also a site to host the live feed on. We're using Justin TV, since they seem pretty good.
In other news, Minish Cap has decided to suck even more, and still isn't here. Hopefully we'll get it before the 26th.
So, there you go. Live feed, people. To be honest, I don't really expect anyone to be watching. But hey, tell your friends anyway. Maybe one or two of them are geeks like us and want to watch a minute or two. Though I can't guarantee we'll be all that funny. We're just here to play, afterall.
Oh, and it won't be a direct connection, sadly. But on the other hand, now we'll be able to move the camera around. So, while it'll be focused on the TV and the four main games pretty much, we'll switch over to watch boss fights on the handhelds every now and then.

Alright, let's wrap up this post. Longer than I thought it would be. If you don't feel like watching us, but want to know what's going on, one of us will also be updating every now and then with reports. Like, every couple of hours.

Oh! Want to get in contact with us? Email me at Put something in the title, like, Zelda Massacre or the like. Otherwise I'll just delete it. But I'll respond if I can.

For real this time. End post.

An Eye-Catching Title!

Woah, spring break came on fast. I was glancing at a calendar today(gasp!) and counted the days. Our Zelda Massacre starts on wednesday, the 26th. Which means we've got approximately nine days til this thing starts.

Procrastination ends now!

I'm currently looking up a way for us to broadcast this thing. I should have another update shortly. As for people:

Claire(me): I'm in.
Claude: Is coming off and on for the two days when she feels like it.
Jojo: Needs to get off her DS and ask if she can come already.
Susan: Again, off and on when she can. Supposedly has some sort of practice sometime thursday but will be there otherwise.
Dan: Will be there when he can.

Uh, anyone else?

So it looks like we've got a decent set of players. Yay us.

Which means, start telling all your friends! Family! Random people! Give them this link, mkay?
Good. You have been briefed on your mission. Get out there.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

For shame!

Apparently, calendars and holidays don't exist in my book. Like the moron I am, I completely forgot/disregarded that the sunday we were planning on starting was in fact, Easter Sunday.

So, we are in dire need of a new schedule. We can't start before sunday, as that would also interfere there. So after is obviously our only choice here. But, we don't really want to start too late and then not have any time afterwards to recuperate before school again.

Let's recap. Here's an updated of everyone and what's going on with em.

Claire: It's weird not typing 'me', but whatever. I'm free to do this anytime after sunday.
Susan: I'm having memory issues. However, I believe you said you wouldn't be able to do it Sunday through Tuesday?
Jojo: I still have no idea. You said you might be gone?
Dan: Will be gone Tuesday and most of Wednesday? I think, right?
Claude: You still haven't told me nuthin. So imma assume that you're free to do this anytimes.
Evan: I should really remember to ask you.
Jess: And the same.

Judging from everyone's schedules, it looks like we should really start sometime on Wednesday. Noon? And finish up Friday at noon. How does that sound with everyone?

Still working on a webcam. And Minish Cap decided to suck and be extra late in the mail. Other than that, though, we're looking good.

Once we decide this is all set, which should be very soon, start telling everybody! We like supporters. It's nice.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Info Update

Good bit of information here.
1) We've finally got our hands on A Link to the Past. It's got Four Swords in there too, but I don't think we're playing that one.
2) The Minish Cap is in the mail. Should be here shortly.
3) We may have a date about when we're doing this. Here's the catch though- since most of us are thinking about vacation, we want to pull this off as early in the week as possible (we're doing this pring break week, in case you didn't know). Due to lack of time, we're shortening the hours to roughly two and a half days (hopefully, right down to two).
So, the dates. Still just as confused about this as all of you are, but here's what's looking best right now. Starting time: Noon on Sunday. Ending Time: Noon (possibly a few hours later) on Tuesday. That gives us about our 2 days.
However! If this doesn't work for anyone, seriously lemme know.
Like, for real.
So that's about it. I might run through alttp sometime soon, but I've also got Phoenix Wright coming and right now I desperately need to play that. If you think you can play through alttp in a decent amount of time, feel free to snatch that from me and play it while I'm lawyering. Gotta save those defendants, y'know.
Don't feel like you need to rush through the game, though. I kinda suck at PW.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


So, here's a brief and not entirely accurate list of those interested in playing.

Claire (that'd be me.)
Jojo (she might be on vacation(which would suck a lot))
Claudia (question- are you coming?)
Dan (also might be not coming)
Susan (are you a yes?)
Evan (yes? no?)

So, as you can see, we really need to get a definative list. So lemme know, people!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


So then, down to business.
First- cameronbanga rocks. If you haven't checked them out, they're really cool. They decided to play 4 Zeldas over 48 hours straight and beat them all. They're still doing awesome video game runs, and raising money for charities and such. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't even have had this idea. So thanks.

Right. Here's whats happening. Sometime over spring break (we're still figuring out exactly what days) we're all gonna sit down at my house for three days straight and play us some Zelda. As for which ones...
Our main concern is Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. However, that'd be too easy. So instead, we've added some challenges.
Only one person is allowed to play a console Zelda at a time (meaning, the above games). Here's the twist. At the same time, one person is allowed to be a handheld Zelda. Yep, any of the other Zelda games as long as it's on a handheld. This includes Zelda games that were originally made for a console but ported to handheld (example: A Link to the Past.)
So, at the max, there can be two people playing at one time. The rest of the group can be doing whatever else, I guess. Like sleeping.
We've come up with a short list of handhelds we're gonna try and obtain. They include Phantom Hourglass, A Link to the Past, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons and Ages.
We've already got Phantom Hourglass as well as Oracle of Seasons. So those are in. We're doing our best to acquire MC and ALTTP next. Oracle of Ages can wait.
If we do finlly figure all this out (what days, who can come, games) and pull it off, this blog will eventually progress to becoming our log. We don't have a webcam, so I guess keeping track of where we are on here will work.
But hey, we'd really like to set up a direct feed. If anyone out there can help us out, we would love you forever.
In the end, since only two people are playing at a time, we'll probably end up playing other games as well. We'll tally up the final list of games we beat/played at the end.
So, there's the rules.

Okay then.

Guess I should go ahead and explain this blog, right?
After watching some of cameronbanga's 4 Zeldas in 48 hours, a few friends and I decided we'd really like to try this. But perhaps with a little twist.
I'll go over that later, though. For now, this blog's main purpose is to organize all our thoughts and ideas as we practice. Make it easy for the group to keep updated on what's going on, y'know? Feel free to comment and give us advice. Or flame, if need be. Whatever you like.
So, there's our first post.