Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Info Update

Good bit of information here.
1) We've finally got our hands on A Link to the Past. It's got Four Swords in there too, but I don't think we're playing that one.
2) The Minish Cap is in the mail. Should be here shortly.
3) We may have a date about when we're doing this. Here's the catch though- since most of us are thinking about vacation, we want to pull this off as early in the week as possible (we're doing this pring break week, in case you didn't know). Due to lack of time, we're shortening the hours to roughly two and a half days (hopefully, right down to two).
So, the dates. Still just as confused about this as all of you are, but here's what's looking best right now. Starting time: Noon on Sunday. Ending Time: Noon (possibly a few hours later) on Tuesday. That gives us about our 2 days.
However! If this doesn't work for anyone, seriously lemme know.
Like, for real.
So that's about it. I might run through alttp sometime soon, but I've also got Phoenix Wright coming and right now I desperately need to play that. If you think you can play through alttp in a decent amount of time, feel free to snatch that from me and play it while I'm lawyering. Gotta save those defendants, y'know.
Don't feel like you need to rush through the game, though. I kinda suck at PW.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


So, here's a brief and not entirely accurate list of those interested in playing.

Claire (that'd be me.)
Jojo (she might be on vacation(which would suck a lot))
Claudia (question- are you coming?)
Dan (also might be not coming)
Susan (are you a yes?)
Evan (yes? no?)

So, as you can see, we really need to get a definative list. So lemme know, people!

Saturday, February 23, 2008


So then, down to business.
First- cameronbanga rocks. If you haven't checked them out, they're really cool. They decided to play 4 Zeldas over 48 hours straight and beat them all. They're still doing awesome video game runs, and raising money for charities and such. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't even have had this idea. So thanks.

Right. Here's whats happening. Sometime over spring break (we're still figuring out exactly what days) we're all gonna sit down at my house for three days straight and play us some Zelda. As for which ones...
Our main concern is Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. However, that'd be too easy. So instead, we've added some challenges.
Only one person is allowed to play a console Zelda at a time (meaning, the above games). Here's the twist. At the same time, one person is allowed to be a handheld Zelda. Yep, any of the other Zelda games as long as it's on a handheld. This includes Zelda games that were originally made for a console but ported to handheld (example: A Link to the Past.)
So, at the max, there can be two people playing at one time. The rest of the group can be doing whatever else, I guess. Like sleeping.
We've come up with a short list of handhelds we're gonna try and obtain. They include Phantom Hourglass, A Link to the Past, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons and Ages.
We've already got Phantom Hourglass as well as Oracle of Seasons. So those are in. We're doing our best to acquire MC and ALTTP next. Oracle of Ages can wait.
If we do finlly figure all this out (what days, who can come, games) and pull it off, this blog will eventually progress to becoming our log. We don't have a webcam, so I guess keeping track of where we are on here will work.
But hey, we'd really like to set up a direct feed. If anyone out there can help us out, we would love you forever.
In the end, since only two people are playing at a time, we'll probably end up playing other games as well. We'll tally up the final list of games we beat/played at the end.
So, there's the rules.

Okay then.

Guess I should go ahead and explain this blog, right?
After watching some of cameronbanga's 4 Zeldas in 48 hours, a few friends and I decided we'd really like to try this. But perhaps with a little twist.
I'll go over that later, though. For now, this blog's main purpose is to organize all our thoughts and ideas as we practice. Make it easy for the group to keep updated on what's going on, y'know? Feel free to comment and give us advice. Or flame, if need be. Whatever you like.
So, there's our first post.