Friday, March 28, 2008


4 Amazing Games.
48 Hours.
4 Links (rather, a Cloud, a ..., a CAT and a Phoenix).
3 Finished Legends.
1 Nearly Completed.

Summary complete!

So, it's over. It was crazy, and it was really, really fun. I thought so, anyway.

So here's what happened. Claudia started up Ocarina of Time for us at noon on Wednesday. She played through the first two temples. I played the third. Jojo played the fourth and fifth, I played the six and seventh. Jojo and I alternated the eighth. And I finished up Ganon's Castle.

Majora's Mask. Jojo played the first three temples (woah). I played the fourth.

We SAVED. We saved the game, Majora. I know you think we didn't, but we really did, but you went ahead and freaked on us. We hate you. Well, we hate your flaws.

We picked up where we left off in another Majora file, and Jojo finished off Majora's Mask.

Dan and I started Wind Waker. Claudia played the third temple (the forest-y one), I played the fourth. Jojo and I alternated the fifth. I played the sixth and Ganon.

Twilight Princess started off fine, but right before the first temple I practically passed out. We took a nine-ish hour break, in which I napped.

Started up again around 7. Played out the remaining time, and ran out during the Twilight Palace (the one with Zant), as we were running for the second sol.

Not bad, in my opinion. We beat 3 games, and nearly the fourth.

Oh! Handhelds. Susan, Jojo, Claudia and Dan all played Phantom Hourglass and beat a little over halfway, I believe. Jessica helped out Susan too. So pretty much everyone but me. :D

Claudia also beat the first two trials in Phoenix Wright 1. Jojo was playing Phoenix Wright 2 for a while, but I don't know how far she got. Past the first trial at least.

I think that was all that was played.

Oh, so people have been asking if we're ever gonna do something like this again. I can't speak for everyone, but I had a lot of fun here. I'd be willing to try this particular challenge again and beat it, as long as we have more people and it's during the summer. Or hey, something else video game related. Sounds good to me.

So that's about it. Thanks for watching everyone, really. We never, ever, could've made it as far as we did without your support. Watching the view count go up (955, last I checked) made us all extra special happy. We feel loved.

Thanks, everyone! Claudia, Jojo, Susan, Jess and Dan, you guys rocked. That was awesome.

The end!

Math skills, go!

Someone should probably check this, considering my grades in math, but I believe if I stopped at 1:40, then I should have 10 hours and 20 minutes left.

I guess I'll start up now, since I'm awake and all. If I start at 9:30, then that means I've got til 7:50, right?

Okay. I'll try. The feed's up and running, so check it out if you're bored!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

I suck.

Well, after some hard contemplation I've decided to give this a rest. I was playing Twilight Princess when it suddenly occured to me I had no idea how I had come to this point in the game.

I just totally blacked out and apparently sleep-played the game a bit.

Sorry, but I really need some sleep. Instead of beating Twilight tonite, I'm going to try and beat it tomorrow. I stopped here around 1:40, so once I wake up and can do some math I'll figure out how many more hours I had left and beat the game in that allotted time.

So, yea. Not as epic and amazing as we had hoped, but I'm really dying over here. Sorry. Catch you tomorrow.

Also, thanks to pygmybbq over at for talking to me and keeping me awake as long as I was. I probably wouldn't have even started the game without his encouragement.

12 hours left!

Just finished up Wind Waker. Up next, Twilight Princess. I'm all alone!

Here's praying I don't pass out! Luckily I've got some crazy awesome people cheering me on from the live feed so hopefully they can keep me awake.

This game hates me.

Okay, let me explain.

So, we played through Majora's Mask. Got all the masks, finished all the temples. Check the video if you're not sure. It's all there- proof.

So we saved. We saved, and went back in time. Thus, everything was TOTALLY FREAKING SAVED.

But Majora wasn't as easy, and we lost. So we reset the game real fast.

So then, the game flipped. It FLIPPED.

And completely erased the last three hours of work. See ya, last temple.

We were screwed. And there was no freaking way we were going to do all that again (take that boss battle for example- no). But, we figured out a way.

Okay, so we had an extra save file from a run I did a few months ago. It was finished minus the beating Majora and all. So we've grabbed that game and finished it up on that.

So technically, we didn't cheat. Really, we did do all the work. Every last bit. But the game hates us.
There. Hope you guys don't mind.

In the meantime, we're starting up Wind Waker. Which doesn't suck a lot.

Thursday, 9:30 AM

Sorry for the major lapse in updates. Anyways, we're finishing up Majora's Mask right now. A tiny bit longer then we would've hoped, but not bad in our opinion. We're making good time.

Oh, so uh. Don't watch the Giant Masked Insect Twinmold (the final temple boss battle before Majora) battle.
Please. Just don't. It's for your own sake.

Longest, most desperate boss battle I have ever played. We went from tiny and using arrows, to big and using swords, to luring the beasts into busting up junk to get us more magics, to bombs, to Zora Link's fins (which, by the way, doesn't work), to more busting up junk, to even more massive sword action.

Please don't watch it. We sucked. A lot. That's really all you need to know.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday 11:35 PM

So we've finished up Ocarina of Time. Took longer than we expected (nearly two hours- oh snap), but we're confident in our abilities for the rest of the games.

Anyways, like I said we didn't follow the player schedule. Here's what really happened.

Claudia played the beginning to the end of the second child temple.
I played the third temple (more or less).
Jojo played the first and second adult temples.
I played the rest (with some help by Jojo, of course).

So now we're into Majora's Mask. It looks like Jojo will be playing the entire thing by herself at this point. I'm so lazy.

Also, Phantom Hourglass was started a while ago. Susan started it off, Claudia picked up after that, and Jojo brought us to the Ghost Ship. Doing good.

As always, the link for our video is here.

And the Bomber's Secret Hideout Code is:

Just so we remember. Heh.

End of Ocarina!

We've reached the end of Ocarina of Time. It's ten o clock. Go watch us finish up!

Wednesday 3:30 PM

So we're currently into the Adult Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. Claudia played Inside the Deku Tree and Dodongo's Cavern. I played Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly. Now Jojo's playing The Forest Temple.

Oh, and Susan is bumbling through Phantom Hourglass. Kidding, Susan.

We're on schedule, so yay time.

Keep on keepin' on.


It's noon. We've started Ocarina of Time! Claudia's off to a good start. We've estimated that we need to beat Ocarina of Time in at least nine hours to stay on task.

So yea! Come watch.

Oh, no sound. Sorry.

We Get Signal.

How Are You Gentlemen.
All Your Zelda Are Belong To Us.

GAHH. I can't type like that for long. It hurts.
But yea. We're ready, people. Tune in at noon for some Ocarina of Time Actions.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pistols for Pandas

Hey guys. So, the Zelda Massacre starts tomorrow! Excitement is an understatement at this point.

So, I did a test run with the live feed yesterday. Went off fine. However, it doesn't exactly look fantastic. Sorry for that- we are just taping the tv, afterall. But we will be adjusting the brightness and such throughout the games to make it a little easier for anyone who wants to watch.

Also, sound. Still haven't been able to get that up and running. Will try, but don't expect any miracles. Or anything. I procrastinate to the max.

That's what's going on. Everyone is accounted for, and we're starting this thing up tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th, at noon. Come watch a minute or two. Make sure we haven't passed out or anything.

Link again:

Oh, and it looks like Jessica will be joining us for a portion too! Which is good, cause we need all the firepower we can get.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rather Dashing.

So, get this.
My sister Juli is extra awesome today, because she went ahead and blogged about us on her own blog. And posted a myspace bulletin. With an extra special Ocarina of Time .gif that was in spanish.

Incidentally, I don't know whether I understood what they were saying because I'm taking spanish or because I practically have that crap memorized by now.

Anyways, you should all go give her a hug. Obligatory Link:

In other news, title of posts no longer have anything to do with the post but are random phrases from homestarrunner.

New Post Dance.

Since we're getting closer to the challenge, I figure I should recap.

48 hours of video games. At the most, two people can be playing a Zelda at one time. One can be working on the consoles (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess) while the other plays a handheld (A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Phantom Hourglass etc). Anyone else can do/play whatever. We'll have a final tally of games beaten later.

We start Wednesday, March 26th and finish up Friday, March 28th. You can watch us live, too (Might not be sound? Computer is too busy sucking). We'll have the camera focused on the TV or a handheld the whole time. Link:

Also, people playing are:

So there you have it. Now you don't have to scroll back through the archives no more.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So um, this is just what we're planning as far as who plays when and such.
First two kid temples- Claude.
Third kid temple- Claire.
First two adult temples- Jojo.
Second two adult temples- Claire.
Child portion of spirit temple- Claire.
Adult portion of spirit temple- Jojo.
Ganon's Castle- Jojo.

First three temples- Jojo.
Last temple- Claire (unless I can get out of it).

Wind Waker:
Whoever feels up to it.

Apparently, just me. Unless Jojo wants to play the first three for me (maybeplease)?

I doubt any of this will actually go the way we planned.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


That's right! We've got a live video feed up and running! Though, not currently, y'know. I doubt you want to stare at a blank tv screen. But we've got the site all set up, so go check it out in about a week when we start!

There you go. We're just gonna leave it as a link rather than post the video here, because then those of you (myself included) who have trouble watching certain videos on websites would be in a world of pain trying to get here. So go watch it there, and read up on updates here. We'll keep you posted throughout the whole thing.

And, as always, feel free to tell people about the site. This one, the blog, that is.
Thanks for your support, people!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Scroll on Down.

Quicky update. Just a little add on to the bigger update below.
So, I've got a webcam. Nearly, anyways, and also a site to host the live feed on. We're using Justin TV, since they seem pretty good.
In other news, Minish Cap has decided to suck even more, and still isn't here. Hopefully we'll get it before the 26th.
So, there you go. Live feed, people. To be honest, I don't really expect anyone to be watching. But hey, tell your friends anyway. Maybe one or two of them are geeks like us and want to watch a minute or two. Though I can't guarantee we'll be all that funny. We're just here to play, afterall.
Oh, and it won't be a direct connection, sadly. But on the other hand, now we'll be able to move the camera around. So, while it'll be focused on the TV and the four main games pretty much, we'll switch over to watch boss fights on the handhelds every now and then.

Alright, let's wrap up this post. Longer than I thought it would be. If you don't feel like watching us, but want to know what's going on, one of us will also be updating every now and then with reports. Like, every couple of hours.

Oh! Want to get in contact with us? Email me at Put something in the title, like, Zelda Massacre or the like. Otherwise I'll just delete it. But I'll respond if I can.

For real this time. End post.

An Eye-Catching Title!

Woah, spring break came on fast. I was glancing at a calendar today(gasp!) and counted the days. Our Zelda Massacre starts on wednesday, the 26th. Which means we've got approximately nine days til this thing starts.

Procrastination ends now!

I'm currently looking up a way for us to broadcast this thing. I should have another update shortly. As for people:

Claire(me): I'm in.
Claude: Is coming off and on for the two days when she feels like it.
Jojo: Needs to get off her DS and ask if she can come already.
Susan: Again, off and on when she can. Supposedly has some sort of practice sometime thursday but will be there otherwise.
Dan: Will be there when he can.

Uh, anyone else?

So it looks like we've got a decent set of players. Yay us.

Which means, start telling all your friends! Family! Random people! Give them this link, mkay?
Good. You have been briefed on your mission. Get out there.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

For shame!

Apparently, calendars and holidays don't exist in my book. Like the moron I am, I completely forgot/disregarded that the sunday we were planning on starting was in fact, Easter Sunday.

So, we are in dire need of a new schedule. We can't start before sunday, as that would also interfere there. So after is obviously our only choice here. But, we don't really want to start too late and then not have any time afterwards to recuperate before school again.

Let's recap. Here's an updated of everyone and what's going on with em.

Claire: It's weird not typing 'me', but whatever. I'm free to do this anytime after sunday.
Susan: I'm having memory issues. However, I believe you said you wouldn't be able to do it Sunday through Tuesday?
Jojo: I still have no idea. You said you might be gone?
Dan: Will be gone Tuesday and most of Wednesday? I think, right?
Claude: You still haven't told me nuthin. So imma assume that you're free to do this anytimes.
Evan: I should really remember to ask you.
Jess: And the same.

Judging from everyone's schedules, it looks like we should really start sometime on Wednesday. Noon? And finish up Friday at noon. How does that sound with everyone?

Still working on a webcam. And Minish Cap decided to suck and be extra late in the mail. Other than that, though, we're looking good.

Once we decide this is all set, which should be very soon, start telling everybody! We like supporters. It's nice.