Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nintendo Massacre?

Good day, internet. Our little group of gamers has finally decided on what we would like to do for another gaming marathon! It's a Nintendo Massacre! Old games and new games! Popular franchises and unheard wonders! Games that sucked to you, but we played as poor children and loved anyway!

You'll find that while our name has changed, the blog won't. You can still come here to find out new updates on what our lame selves are doing, and maybe I'll stop being lazy and change the layout for it too.

We have a list of Nintendo games ready for anyone at all to vote on. These are the games we're interested in playing, and we really want your opinion on it as well (in case you decide to watch!). 

Twilight Princess (Wii)
Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
Super Mario 64 (N64)
007: Goldeneye (N64)
Donkey Kong (N64)
Banjo-Kazooie (N64)
Metroid (Any of them, you choose!)
Crystal Chronicles (GC)
Brawl Adventure Mode (Wii)
Pac-Man World 2 (GC)
Pokemon Snap (N64)
The Simpsons Hit & Run (GC)
Okami (Wii)
Mario Galaxy (Wii)
Trauma Center: Second Opinion (Wii)
Diddy Kong Racing (N64)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)

You'll notice we obviously can't play all of these games. Here's where you come in - what specific games in this list would you like us to play? The final choice will rest with us, but we're pretty torn between what we feel like playing and need your help!

We have dates for it as well! We'll start at noon on the 27th of December. As for when we finish, we're still working on that. We'll either finish on the 29th for 48 hours, or the 30th if we decide to go for 72 straight hours of Nintendo. There's a whole ton of good games on our list, and we really want to play as many as we possibly can. Therefore, the option of going a full 72 hours has been brought up as well.

So there we are! Post your opinions here, send us an email, whatever you like! Fanmail and flames go to Got a game you really want to see but wasn't on the list? Let us know about that too. Tell your friends about us if you think they'd be interested (ohohoh shameless plugs).

We'll have our final list of games and hopefully set dates for you by December 3rd at the latest.

Thanks for your help, internet!