Sunday, December 28, 2008

Current News Post!

We'll be updating this post now and then throughout the massacre so you can read about where we are! Click here to go straight to the live feed!

9:00 PM (Saturday)
Only 66 hours left and Claudia and Evan have beaten Brawl: Subspace Emissary! Dan's started Mario Galaxy now!

5:00 AM (Sunday)
Mario Galaxy has been completed, namely by Evan and Claire. We're 14 hours in, so we've got 58 hours left! We're off to Diddy Kong now. Thanks to everyone who's been chatting with us!

9:00 AM (Sunday)
Diddy Kong Racing is finished thanks to Evan! Playing Pac-Man World 2 now.

10:00 PM (Sunday)
Pac-Man (Claire) and Pokemon Snap (Evan and Claudia) have been finished, and Donkey Kong (Evan and Jojo) was started but abandoned for now. Planning to get back to that, hopefully. We're taking a short, one hour break before getting back on the gaming with Twilight Princess.

3:00 PM (Monday)
Twilight Princess is finished (Evan and Claire) and we've moved back to Donkey Kong (Jojo and Evan).

11:00 PM (Monday)
Gave up on Donkey Kong because it is a ridiculous game. Moved on to Okami (Claire).

3:30 AM (Tuesday)
Took a break from Okami to take a nap and lost all morale.

So it's 9:00 AM on Tuesday. We've all awoken and collectively decided that 72 hours is a really, really long time. We're not really up to continuing, unfortunately. But it was awesome and fun and I swear I'll make a proper update once I've had some recuperation.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It has begun!

The Nintendo Massacre has begun! Click here to skip right to our live feed. (Set on mature just to be safe - probably gonna be some cussin') We've started off with Brawl: Subspace Emissary. Claudia and Evan are playing, Claire (mahself, Chupacawha) is chatting on the chatbox as foonkythumbs.

If you're curious about what this all is, just scroll on down. The two posts below should explain about everything. c:

Monday, December 22, 2008

A Final Word

Last post before we get this on. Most of what needs to be said already has in the below post, so scroll on down for the list of games we'll be playing and charity information.

We'll be starting our run on Saturday the 27th at 3:00PM Eastern Standard Time. You can come watch us play at our live feed (link is to the left as well). You'll notice it's set on mature, but that's just because we tend to curse now and then and decided to play it safe. At least one of us will be there to talk for the entire 72 hours. Sign up at and chat with us! It takes 30 seconds, and there's no obligations afterword or spam email (Promise! We've had our account there for nearly a year now).

Speaking of us (oh egotism), we are a group of five. There's Jojo, Dan, Claudia, Evan, Claire and Miche. Dan will only be there the first day, so be sure to catch up with us Saturday to chill the whole group (after the first 12 hours we start passing out anyway)!

So that's it, basically. We're doing our best to practice Crystal Chronicles as a group, and we've got the other games down pat at this point. Our only fatality was Eternal Darkness. :[ We were given a broken disk, and there's no time now to get another copy. Our apologies.

Thanks to everyone who's been supporting us! We love your suggestions and comments (mostly because we're attention whores ;D)! You are all wonderful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a twiiisst

Hello internet. Our team has tweaked the list and come up with the final roster of games!

Nintendo 64
Super Mario 64
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong Racing
Pokemon Snap

Crystal Chronicles
Pac-Man World 2
The Simpsons Hit & Run

Twilight Princess
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Brawl Subspace Emissary
Mario Galaxy

You may notice, obviously, that there's no possible way for us to beat all of those games in 72 hours. Here's where we're introducing something new.

There's a non-profit charity called Child's Play that's been running since 2003. Child's Play gives video games and toys to less fortunate children in hospitals across the globe.  Many gaming marathons have raised money for the charity, and we'd like to put in our 2 cents too.

So here's the deal! Rather than be bored watching us play a game you hate, donate some money to Child's Play! For each dollar you donate, you'll get one vote in what game you'd like to see us play next. Every time we finish a game we'll tally up the votes, and the viewers will choose what game we play!

Not enough for you? No problem. We're more than willing to sell our services (we're not worth much anyway ohoh)! Donate 5 dollars and one of us will scribble a little drawing or make an mspaint for you! Donate 10 dollars and each one of us will make a drawing for you (that's at least 6 arts!) Donate 20+ dollars, and in addition to everything above, we'll make something/do something else for you! (a quickie video, do something ridiculous on camera, whatever you want! we'll negotiate!)

Disclaimer: Only one of us is an actual artist (psst, it's Claudia). ^^; Feel free to request any one of us (might take a bit as that person could be playing) to make your drawing, we'll do it! And even though we suck at arts, we'll do our best!

Second Disclaimer: We'll draw/do whatever you want, within reason. Nothing seckshual or physically detrimental to us. We can negotiate!

Donate (via paypal) to Child's Play on their home page. Uh, we aren't exactly sure how to tell if you donated or not, though. ^^; As much as we'd like to take your word for it, we need some kind of proof. Not sure how to do that though, so if anyone has any ideas, do let us know! (We realize paypal sends you a reciept, but we don't want to ask for that 'cause personal information is there and we don't need that.)

Don't feel bad if you can't donate! The last thing we want is to guilt trip anyone. December is a busy season and we fully understand. To be completely honest, we don't even have the money to donate (which is why we're trying to raise money instead)! We're not even really expecting to raise 50 dollars, so don't worry! Come watch and chat with us anyway, that's what we love the most!

Anyway, there we are! More updates to come once more information is known. Let us know what you think of this idea, though!