Monday, July 13, 2009


Monday 12:00PM: Started playing Jet Set Radio Future!

3:00PM: Internet broke irrepairebly. Stopped JSRF halfway through and Evan started up Ratchet and Clank.

11:30PM: Internet back! We'll have the second feed up in about another hour.

Tuesday 12:30AM: Second feed is up! It's on the side there, it's the one where you can see us~!~! To keep things organized though, well only be chatting on the video game one. Evan finishes Ratchet and Clank and Matt starts Lost Planet.

3:30 PM: Matt finishes Lost Planet and Claire finishes Jet Set Radio Future. Jojo starts on Metroid Prime.

Wednesday 3:00 AM: Matt and Jojo play a lot of Metroid and then everyone falls asleep. A well deserved sleeeeepppp

7:00 AM: Claire wakes up and plays Okami!

10:30 AM: Jojo plays Okami!

11:30AM: Claire plays Okami!

Thursday 2:00AM: Finished Okami! Evan plays Bioshock!

4:00AM: Everybody sleeps!


Summary: Super awesome! I'll post more when I have control over my fingers apparently (this sentence took toooo longgg to not misspell), and am not really sleepy. Misspell looks incorrect but okay.


Hurf durf

Alright, 2 hours and counting 'til we start! This is the last update until we begin streaming - then we'll have that one continuous update that we keep editing for your viewing pleasure. And also twitter.

AHHHH never mind again. Can't seem to get two cameras running, so we'll have just the one focused on the tv. You'll still be able to hear us though.

PROBLEM, our internet is being a jerk. It hardly works in the room we're seated in, meaning the feed suffers as well. Working furiously to fix that, but right now it looks like I'll have to run out and buy some electronic help. That probably won't happen until after 12 though, so we may have to suffer with the terrible internet for an hour or two. D:

Other than that I think we're prepared. Not sure which game is going first, but some of you should definitely keep an eye out on the graffiti during Jet Set Radio Future. /wink

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Brief Overview

Oh man you guys. Oh man. 3 straight days of video games.


So uh, these things usually get pretty crazy if you haven't heard. WHAT TO EXPECT

Yeah okay, that's... that's pretty much all I wanted to say.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Bah, sorry for lack of information. Anyway one little update rolled into another and so on and now I'm just gonna post a whole new thing here rather than edit the last. yyeeahhhh

Small change in games (though I think I edited it below as well):
Evan - Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked
Matt - Lost Planet
Jojo - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Claire - Jet Set Radio Future

We aren't necessarily playing in that order though, we'll kinda just figure that out as we go along. After those four are done, we're gonna gang up on Okami, switchin' people out as we go along through it. fff I love that game. If there's time afterwards (probably) Claudia is gonna play some Kingdom Hearts 2.

Okay, so date-wise. This is a little hairy because while we had decided on a date, Dan had just brought up a complaint so it maaaayyy be changed, but chances are we're keeping it like this:

We'll begin on July 13th, Monday at noon, and end on July 16th, Thursday at noon. That should get us our 72 hours. Again, this is all Eastern Standard Time.

I thiiiink that's it? Everything else below is correct minus these changes, so read up on that for more information if you haven't. Still working on getting that 2 camera thing ready, but don't get your hopes up. :c Other than that, we're set I think.

OH OH OH We've got a tentative name for us too! Tell us if it's super lame or awesome. *title whooosh*
Super thanks to dear sweet Nans for the IN A BOX part. Anyway we're rather fond of it, so unless someone can come up with something better, it's stickin'
I'm getting around to updating the layout of the site, should be up and running later. Also added a twitter just for the blog. Figure that'll help with updating once we get up and running, if you're into that sorta thing.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Look at who managed to keep on schedule for once. Someone get me a pizza trophy.

After forever, we decided we're playing an "anything goes" run, where several unrelated games will be sprinted through posthaste.

Yelaila's playing Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.
Matt's playing Lost Planet.
Evan's playing Ratchet: Deadlocked
Claire's playing Jet Set Radio Future

We are also being joined by Claudia, Dan and Miche who didn't feel like playing much of anything but are super cool anyway. The run is gonna be 72 hours long like last time. Our games should only take up 2 of those 3 days, so the last day is dedicated to teaming up on Okami. Should that beast manage to be slew, it's anyone's game for the final hours.

We'll be broadcasting live for the entirety of 3 days! Same place as always on our channel, link to the left. There's the possibility of setting up two cameras this time, one on the tv and one on the room so you can see us woooaahhh. What do you think?

As for what days, we're not quite certain yet. Chances are it'll be in July, but that's all getting figured out in the next week or so, so check back soon.

INPUT TIME: We need a sweet name for this gig. Be awesome and think of one for us, please? You'll win my eternal love. Then I'll finally get around to updating the layout for the site.

Actuallllyyy, if someone could figure up a sweet name for us in general, like one that we won't have to keep changing with each new marathon we do (ex: not Zelda Massacre and then Nintendo Massacre, but more like "Cool people who play cool games" only less lame), I'd flipping give them my heart. Or, I dunno, something in equal or lesser value. If you can come up with one we like, you can take your pick, my love.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just so you know this blog hasn't absolutely shut down, we are working on a new project, and information is coming soon. End of the month soon. Once school ends we're planning on another video game run, and we've got approximately 4 weeks left so hannnggg in there babies.

Monday, February 2, 2009


And by "give me some time to recuperate" I clearly meant "let me sleep this off for a month." My apologies.

I read over the last post and spent some time trying to figure out what I had thought of to say for afterwards, but I can't remember for my life. I mean, the list of games we beat is right below, so I can't see why myself-a-month-earlier would feel the need to make another post about it. So, yes.

Thanks to everyone who came out and chatted with us, though! It was very cool and we love you to death. As for another marathon, we've got little-to-no plans. Something about an "any game on from any platform we feel like" idea was mentioned, but nothing's gonna start moving for a good couple of months. When we eventually get around to something it'll show up here.

Thanks for having fun with us, internet!