Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So yeah, there were indeed problems with the first date of July 14 - 16. Here's hoping you didn't set your schedule around it, 'cause it's different now.
While you still shouldn't bet your life on this one, it seems that our new, sturdier date is:

JULY 17 - 19.

Claps for capslock.
Claude and I figured missing the first two practices would be bad, so while there is practice on thursday as well, practices are at eight in morning (BYTHEBEARDOFTHORWHYY?). So we'll just have to go to practice before the clock starts at noon. Not a problem.

So we know Claudia, Jojo, Dan, Evan and me will all be playing over here on the east coast. Still figuring out who's playing exactly what game and when. The only player we aren't sure about yet is Eric. I never see him at school, so someone else ask him for me, 'kaythanks. But we could really use all the help we can get.

And over on the west coast, Jeff will be playing A Link to the Past. We're getting the stream for him up and running, so everyone can watch his run too.

Speaking of which, so that everyone can watch both videos on one page, I'm gonna embed the videos from onto another page. That page might be this blog, or it might be a seperate one (to keep this one from getting overcrowded). There'll be a chatbox so people can talk like on the justin pages, too. However, we'll all be keeping an eye on the pages too, so if the page with the embedded videos doesn't work as nice for you feel free to watch on those two instead. We can multi-task.

So, yep.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Finally got around to editing the page so it actually resembles something Legend of Zelda-esqe. HTML doesn't like me very much. Still, it's done. There may be a few details added somewhere once I decide I feel like it. But I think it looks relatively okay.

Anyways, it's looking like July 14-16 is the set date. Everyone I've asked says it works, so the only tiny hitch now is that I think two of those days are the first two practices for tennis. Hopefully won't be a problem. Just to let you know, July 14 is a Monday, and we would start at noon. The 48 hours would end on the 16 (Wednesday) at noon also. So just like last time.

So, we've got a different set of people for the team this time. Jojo, Claudia, Dan and I (Claire) will be returning. Evan is coming this time too, along with (I think) Eric. Also, way over on the other side of the country, Jeff (right?) might be streaming A Link to the Past for us.

Still getting the details worked out on the run. We've got like two months though, so we've got time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Subject to Change

JULY 14-16

It's been really difficult getting to everyone to talk about when we could do this. So everyone I was able to talk to decided that we'd just pick a random, nice sounding date and ask around that way. Much easier.

Thus, July 14-16 could change really fast. Don't mark your calendars yet. We're playing it like Nickelodeon does- give you a date and then strip it away just when your hopes are highest. Dammit Nickelodeon, you guys suck. What'd you do with my Avatar: The Last Airbender? I needs it.

On that note, Avatar is also presumed to be starting on July 14, and somehow finishing up by the end of July. How can that be, you ask? There's no way that'll fit, seeing as they air a new Avatar episode once a week and there's still ten episodes left to go.
That, my dear child, is the problem. Nick will probably just air an episode a day and finish the greatest cartoon series of all time in two weeks. I'm usually fine with cramming, but come on. We waited ten months for season 3 and this is how you're gonna air it?

Rant over. Check back later for moar news.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gravy Traaaain.

Alright alright alright. We still don't have a set date for this yet, but I can make assumptions, right?

Tennis season (in which Claude and I are playing) starts up in July. We only have practice three days a week then, but once August hits it bumps up to five days a week. Also, Dan is moving in August. So um, August is probably a no.

Personally, I don't mind missing a day of practice in July (if it even comes to that), but playing in June would be ideal. And really, I need something to fill the void (severe lack of Avatar) in June anyways.

So, June? I haven't really gotten the chance to ask everyone else what they're doing for summer yet. June might be a bad month for us all. I'm hoping we can all figure this crap out. Including exactly who plays what. That's pretty important. I should probably get to asking around.

Yea okay. So that's what's going down.

Ah, also? We finally got Minish Cap. It is a gewd game.