Monday, December 22, 2008

A Final Word

Last post before we get this on. Most of what needs to be said already has in the below post, so scroll on down for the list of games we'll be playing and charity information.

We'll be starting our run on Saturday the 27th at 3:00PM Eastern Standard Time. You can come watch us play at our live feed (link is to the left as well). You'll notice it's set on mature, but that's just because we tend to curse now and then and decided to play it safe. At least one of us will be there to talk for the entire 72 hours. Sign up at and chat with us! It takes 30 seconds, and there's no obligations afterword or spam email (Promise! We've had our account there for nearly a year now).

Speaking of us (oh egotism), we are a group of five. There's Jojo, Dan, Claudia, Evan, Claire and Miche. Dan will only be there the first day, so be sure to catch up with us Saturday to chill the whole group (after the first 12 hours we start passing out anyway)!

So that's it, basically. We're doing our best to practice Crystal Chronicles as a group, and we've got the other games down pat at this point. Our only fatality was Eternal Darkness. :[ We were given a broken disk, and there's no time now to get another copy. Our apologies.

Thanks to everyone who's been supporting us! We love your suggestions and comments (mostly because we're attention whores ;D)! You are all wonderful.

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