Monday, June 1, 2009


Look at who managed to keep on schedule for once. Someone get me a pizza trophy.

After forever, we decided we're playing an "anything goes" run, where several unrelated games will be sprinted through posthaste.

Yelaila's playing Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.
Matt's playing Lost Planet.
Evan's playing Ratchet: Deadlocked
Claire's playing Jet Set Radio Future

We are also being joined by Claudia, Dan and Miche who didn't feel like playing much of anything but are super cool anyway. The run is gonna be 72 hours long like last time. Our games should only take up 2 of those 3 days, so the last day is dedicated to teaming up on Okami. Should that beast manage to be slew, it's anyone's game for the final hours.

We'll be broadcasting live for the entirety of 3 days! Same place as always on our channel, link to the left. There's the possibility of setting up two cameras this time, one on the tv and one on the room so you can see us woooaahhh. What do you think?

As for what days, we're not quite certain yet. Chances are it'll be in July, but that's all getting figured out in the next week or so, so check back soon.

INPUT TIME: We need a sweet name for this gig. Be awesome and think of one for us, please? You'll win my eternal love. Then I'll finally get around to updating the layout for the site.

Actuallllyyy, if someone could figure up a sweet name for us in general, like one that we won't have to keep changing with each new marathon we do (ex: not Zelda Massacre and then Nintendo Massacre, but more like "Cool people who play cool games" only less lame), I'd flipping give them my heart. Or, I dunno, something in equal or lesser value. If you can come up with one we like, you can take your pick, my love.


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