Saturday, May 17, 2008


Finally got around to editing the page so it actually resembles something Legend of Zelda-esqe. HTML doesn't like me very much. Still, it's done. There may be a few details added somewhere once I decide I feel like it. But I think it looks relatively okay.

Anyways, it's looking like July 14-16 is the set date. Everyone I've asked says it works, so the only tiny hitch now is that I think two of those days are the first two practices for tennis. Hopefully won't be a problem. Just to let you know, July 14 is a Monday, and we would start at noon. The 48 hours would end on the 16 (Wednesday) at noon also. So just like last time.

So, we've got a different set of people for the team this time. Jojo, Claudia, Dan and I (Claire) will be returning. Evan is coming this time too, along with (I think) Eric. Also, way over on the other side of the country, Jeff (right?) might be streaming A Link to the Past for us.

Still getting the details worked out on the run. We've got like two months though, so we've got time.


Anonymous said...

Whoo! I think I got the stream to work from my desktop. I need you to help me test it!

Foonkythumbs said...

Uhm. How do you want to test it?
Speaking of which, how are we gonna stream both videos at the same time? I guess we could use two different accounts on, and I could embed them here on the page. Or just link both of them.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking we'd just have two different rooms going and you could turn the camera onto you laptop every once in a while to show my run. Though if you could embed both of them onto one page that'd be awesome! Anyways, I just want to broadcast and you can come in and tell me if it's working or not. When works for you?

Foonkythumbs said...

Okay, I think I got it. I'll embed both videos on the blog (or make a different blog just for the run if we don't want to clog up this one), and I'll set up a chatbox. That way, people can come and watch and there'll be a place for them to chat, too (like on the page). Then everyone will be able to see both runs at the same time. And we can always chat with people on the page and leave a message like, 'Both videos on this page here!' with the link or something.

Okay. Um, I'm open for anytime today to check the broadcast. Only thing is timezones and whatnot. How about 8PM eastern coast time? I have no idea what that is for you, though.

But yea! Just leave the link and I'll check it out then.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just now saw your reply and it's almost 9pm your time. I doubt you're on right now, so how about tomorrow or a day in the future at 8pm?

Foonkythumbs said...

Sounds gewd! Tomorrow at 8, then.

Anonymous said...

omg, I'm so absent minded. I have class all night tonight. How about Friday at 8pm?

Foonkythumbs said...

No prob! Friday at 8. I just have to remember that day.