Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So yeah, there were indeed problems with the first date of July 14 - 16. Here's hoping you didn't set your schedule around it, 'cause it's different now.
While you still shouldn't bet your life on this one, it seems that our new, sturdier date is:

JULY 17 - 19.

Claps for capslock.
Claude and I figured missing the first two practices would be bad, so while there is practice on thursday as well, practices are at eight in morning (BYTHEBEARDOFTHORWHYY?). So we'll just have to go to practice before the clock starts at noon. Not a problem.

So we know Claudia, Jojo, Dan, Evan and me will all be playing over here on the east coast. Still figuring out who's playing exactly what game and when. The only player we aren't sure about yet is Eric. I never see him at school, so someone else ask him for me, 'kaythanks. But we could really use all the help we can get.

And over on the west coast, Jeff will be playing A Link to the Past. We're getting the stream for him up and running, so everyone can watch his run too.

Speaking of which, so that everyone can watch both videos on one page, I'm gonna embed the videos from onto another page. That page might be this blog, or it might be a seperate one (to keep this one from getting overcrowded). There'll be a chatbox so people can talk like on the justin pages, too. However, we'll all be keeping an eye on the pages too, so if the page with the embedded videos doesn't work as nice for you feel free to watch on those two instead. We can multi-task.

So, yep.


Anonymous said...

jdsl;gj;ldsg!! I totally forgot friday at 8. Sorry. We need a better way to communicate besides this blog. What's your e-mail?

Foonkythumbs said...

It's cool, it's cool. I almost forgot too, actually. Jumped on just in time :D.

My email's
I check a few times a day, so that'll probably work better.