Saturday, July 26, 2008

Procrastination at its best.

So I know that the Massacre ended about a week ago, but then I slept for a while and had tennis practice and got a new video game and generally didn't feel much like taking the time for a blog post.

You're welcome.

Anyway, in case you haven't heard, we won the Massacre! Gave Ganon a sword in the gut to go with the one in his face and skull and still had a little over 3 and a half hours left.

Rather than be awesome and use the time to continue some handhelds, we promptly (and by we, I mean myself) passed out.

Massacre Overview!

Ocarina of Time
Claudia picked up Ocarina of Time and played it through the second temple. She was into the third one when we lost power and had to replay the entire Dodongo's Cavern and Jabu Jabu's Belly.

Jojo played through the adult forest temple and fire temple.

Claire (I'm just gonna go ahead and say myself, doesn't sound as weird) played the water, shadow and spirit temples. And then I blundered (no really, it was bad) through the final temple.

Majora's Mask
Jojo pulled an all-nighter along with Miche, who was there chatting it up with everyone online. Claudia was out catching the premiere of Batman, and Dan was still at his house. I was asleep for about two temples of Majora.

Jojo somehow single-handedly played all of Majora's Mask in an amazing time for us (sleep deprivation and all) and probably saved us the run after our mishap in Ocarina.

Wind Waker
At this point in our run, Dan and Claudia had showed up, and Miche had begun her hibernation for the rest of the run.

Also, this is apparently where I got massive amnesia. Seriously, I don't know what the crap happened for half of this game. All I know is that I probably didn't play it since I don't remember.

However, I believe Jojo played from the beginning to the water temple...? I know it wasn't me. I think I was asleep for some of it.

The Temple of the Gods and the Forsaken Fortress went to either Claudia or Jojo. I don't know where I was during all of this.

I remember I played the next two temples, the ones with Makar and Medli.

After that, I tried to get some sleep for Twilight but it didn't work so well. Claudia, Dan and Jojo teamed up and obtained the Triforce of Courage together- Claudia skimmed through the walkthrough with Dan and Jojo played it.

I played most of Ganon's Tower and fought Puppet Ganon. Jojo finished the game with a pretty awesome final battle against Ganon. Master Sword in Ganon's skull was admired at by all who were awake.

Twilight Princess
Dan went home after that and we all moved to the other tv. Miche was still asleep, but on another couch now.

I played up through the Lakebed Temple. At which point we snagged the official guide and Jojo and Claudia double-teamed Saving Midna through Getting to Arbiter's Grounds. I took a nap.

I played Arbiter's Grounds to the end. Sometime between Retrieving Ilia's Memory and City in the Sky, everybody fell asleep. Claudia woke up just in time to watch the final battle with Ganon.

And then we were done.

All of us would like to thank everyone who took the time to come watch a few minutes of our run. Many of you kept us up and cheered us on, which helped more than you could ever know. Many of you made funny comments and kept us up with your general awesomeness. A few of you trolled and that was pretty decent too, though I expected more spam from you. A goal to shoot for next time, I suppose. :D
Just thanks, everybody. You all rocked.

One final note. Just to let you know how tired we all were during the Massacre.

People do weird things when they're tired.
Miche couldn't figure out where I was when I was sitting beside her and yelled "Where are you??" when I said something. She promptly fell asleep a few minutes later. Dan was sad that he missed it.
I fell asleep during that one cutscene where Zant rambles on about Ganon and whatnot for forever. I woke up just before the fight started. D:
Claudia half woke up during Twilight Princess and muttered something about a weird dream she had. I think I heard the word zombies or something.
I fell asleep after the massacre on a chair and woke up lyin' on a couch. When asked how I got there, I was told that I stood up, talked to the dog for a bit, and then stole Miche's seat when she left the room for a minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was fun, cant wait to see more Broadcast from yall :D
