Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome Post, Revised!

A lot of things changed real spur of the moment, so here's our brand new, mildly revised welcome post!

Welcome to the Zelda Massacre!
You can skip the post and get to the video here.

What is The Zelda Massacre?
The Zelda Massacre is a 48 hour Legend of Zelda marathon, basically. In it, the Zelda Massacre Team (us) are going to sit down and play through basically as many Legend of Zeldas as we possibly can.

When is The Massacre?
The clock starts Thursday, July 17th at noon (east coast time). It ends Saturday, July 19th at noon (once again, east coast time).

What games will you play?
First off, the only video games we will be broadcasting are The Legend of Zelda ones.
We will definitely be playing through Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. You can watch us play those over on our live feed.
In addition, we will also attempt to play through A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, The Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass. With the possibility of some Four Swords thrown in.

Are you guys the first to try this?
We are not. A lot of the gaming community has already attempted (and accomplished) this challenge. I do believe, however, that we are the first group to incorporate the other Legend of Zeldas into it as well.

Are there any rules?
There are, yes. One- We cannot have two playing a Console Zelda at the same time. A Console Zelda is one we need a TV for, so obviously Ocarina, Majora, Wind, and Twilight. This rule means that someone cannot be playing Twilight at the same time as another playing Ocarina. Only one Console Zelda at a time.
Two- We can play as many Handheld Zeldas at one time as we want. A Handheld Zelda is one we do not need a TV for. So, Link to the Past, Season, Minish and Hourglass. We can all be playing one at the same time.

Example: Person A is playing Majora's Mask. Person B is playing Seasons. C is playing Minish and D is playing Hourglass. This is completely legal.

Who is playing?
The people involved in the Zelda Massacre are:
(*You may notice we're missing two people here. Jeff is visiting family this week, and Evan had a change of plans D: That's alright though. I'm still confident we can pull this off.)

Who will play what?
While this is still very subject to change, I figured I would post it anyway.

Ocarina of Time:
Claudia will play the first three temples, up to obtaining the Master Sword.
Jojo will play the next two temples, Forest and Fire.
The water temple goes to whoever feels they can pull it off.
Claire will play the next two temples, Shadow and Spirit.
The final dungeon is up for grabs.

Majora's Mask:
This game is all Jojo. Go for it, Jojo!
(*She's the best cut out for the job, since it's her favorite game. In fact, she's pretty much the only person in our group to beat it.)

Wind Waker:
This, I'm not sure. It's a pretty big game, and we've all played it. I figure, though, that it'll probably be split up between Dan and Claudia, mainly. With either Jojo or Claire playing the final two temples.

Twilight Princess:
This game is all Claire.
(*Due to recent changes in players.)

Please realize though, that this is really subject to change. In the end, we're probably just gonna give the controller to whoever can play.

The Handheld Zeldas basically go to whoever grabs them first. We don't have a structure on those.

Where can I watch?
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess will all be broadcasted over on this live feed here.

Feel free to chat with us on that page as well! Getting a username on justin.tv takes literally no more than thirty seconds. And since we've got a microphone this time, we'll talk with you. It keeps us awake and all, too. And gives ego boosts. :D

Is there any way I can contact you guys (besides the live feed)?
Feel free to email Claire at foonkythumbs@yahoo.com. Your emails and thoughts will get around to the whole group. Comments, questions, complaints, cheers, flames- it's all happily accepted.

So that's about it. If there's any other questions, feel free to comment on this page or email. :D

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