Monday, March 17, 2008

An Eye-Catching Title!

Woah, spring break came on fast. I was glancing at a calendar today(gasp!) and counted the days. Our Zelda Massacre starts on wednesday, the 26th. Which means we've got approximately nine days til this thing starts.

Procrastination ends now!

I'm currently looking up a way for us to broadcast this thing. I should have another update shortly. As for people:

Claire(me): I'm in.
Claude: Is coming off and on for the two days when she feels like it.
Jojo: Needs to get off her DS and ask if she can come already.
Susan: Again, off and on when she can. Supposedly has some sort of practice sometime thursday but will be there otherwise.
Dan: Will be there when he can.

Uh, anyone else?

So it looks like we've got a decent set of players. Yay us.

Which means, start telling all your friends! Family! Random people! Give them this link, mkay?
Good. You have been briefed on your mission. Get out there.

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