Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pistols for Pandas

Hey guys. So, the Zelda Massacre starts tomorrow! Excitement is an understatement at this point.

So, I did a test run with the live feed yesterday. Went off fine. However, it doesn't exactly look fantastic. Sorry for that- we are just taping the tv, afterall. But we will be adjusting the brightness and such throughout the games to make it a little easier for anyone who wants to watch.

Also, sound. Still haven't been able to get that up and running. Will try, but don't expect any miracles. Or anything. I procrastinate to the max.

That's what's going on. Everyone is accounted for, and we're starting this thing up tomorrow, Wednesday the 26th, at noon. Come watch a minute or two. Make sure we haven't passed out or anything.

Link again:

Oh, and it looks like Jessica will be joining us for a portion too! Which is good, cause we need all the firepower we can get.

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