Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, 9:30 AM

Sorry for the major lapse in updates. Anyways, we're finishing up Majora's Mask right now. A tiny bit longer then we would've hoped, but not bad in our opinion. We're making good time.

Oh, so uh. Don't watch the Giant Masked Insect Twinmold (the final temple boss battle before Majora) battle.
Please. Just don't. It's for your own sake.

Longest, most desperate boss battle I have ever played. We went from tiny and using arrows, to big and using swords, to luring the beasts into busting up junk to get us more magics, to bombs, to Zora Link's fins (which, by the way, doesn't work), to more busting up junk, to even more massive sword action.

Please don't watch it. We sucked. A lot. That's really all you need to know.

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